Tooltip Tags: marketing

corporate sponsorship

a form marketing in which a corporation pays for all of some of the costs associated with a project or program in exchange for recognition.

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consumer profile

A description of a customer or set of customers that includes demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics, as well as buying patterns, creditworthiness, and purchase history.(Read

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Rivalry in which every seller tries to get what other sellers are seeking at the same time: sales, profit, and market share by offering the

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As good as or better than others of a comparable nature. (source:

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A recognizable sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. (source:

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A brochure or pamphlet is a leaflet advertisement. Brochures may advertise locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc. The two most common brochure styles are single

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A large outdoor advertising structure, typically found in high traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. (source:

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advertising media

Various means (advertising vehicles) such as billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and internet by which promotional messages are communicated to the public using words, speech,

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advertising plan

An outline of what goals an advertising campaign should achieve, how to accomplish those goals, and how to determine whether or not the campaign was

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advertising vehicle

A specific channel or publication for carrying the advertising message to a target audience: press, video, poster, …

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