Tooltip Tags: crédit

credit available

The unused portion of an open line of credit, such as a credit card or a revolving loan (such as a home-equity line of credit).

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consumer loan

Amount of money lent to an individual (usually on a nonsecured basis) for personal, family, or household purposes: automobile purchases, home purchases, medical care, home

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commercial loan

The loans to businesses; include commercial mortgages and corporate bonds. (source:

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buy on instalments

Purchasing a commodity over a period of time. The buyer gains the use of the commodity immediately and then pays for it in periodic payments

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bridge loan

The type of short-term loan, typically taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years, pending the arrangement of larger or longer-term financing.

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AAA is the highest issuer credit-rating assigned by a credit-rating agency (CRA)

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taux d’endettement

Rapport entre les charges financières (mensualités) liées à l’ensemble des emprunts et du revenu mensuel. (source:

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Substituer une personne à une autre ou une chose à une autre en lui conférant le même régime juridique. (source:

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Substitution of one party for another as a creditor or possessor of a legal right.

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La solvabilité correspond à la capacité d’une personne, physique ou morale, à payer ses dettes.

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