The practice of leasing a premise by a lessee to a third party for part of the lessee’s remaining term.(source: )
The practice of leasing a premise by a lessee to a third party for part of the lessee’s remaining term.(source: )
a general, undetailed plan of action, encompassing a long period of time, to achieve a complicated goal. (source:
Precipitous and rapid decline (that may persist for months or years) in the prices of shares traded on a stock exchange, caused by panic selling.
A person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people
A method of measuring the value of a section of the stock market. It is computed from the prices of selected stocks (sometimes a weighted
Stock market value is the value of a stock or index of a market. Measurement of the value of stock/index can be made in various
The total goods or raw material kept on the premises of a shop or business.(source: )
A person responsible for stored goods. (source:
A social or professional position, condition, or standing to which varying degrees of responsibility, privilege, and esteem are attached. (source:
Rate determined by the government to be applied in case of late payments or compensation.
Se ha ampliado la temática de este blog, inicialmente creado para informar sobre microfinanza y microempresa, para comentar temas medioambientales tales como el cambio climático, la contaminación y la extinción de especies.
El glosario trilingüe sobre microfinanza y microempresa sigue estando disponible y próximamente se publicará uno específico para términos medioambientales.
Las personas interesadas en las microfinanzas pueden acceder a noticias en la página de Facebook Microfinance News
Las personas interesadas en el cambio climático pueden acceder a noticias en la página de facebook Climate Change News
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