A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to
A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to
Type of malware that masquerades as a legitimate file or helpful program with the ultimate purpose of granting a hacker unauthorized access to a computer.
Turnkey is a product or service that is designed, supplied, built, or installed fully complete and ready to operate. The term implies that the end
For a company, the ratio of annual sales to inventory; or equivalently, the fraction of a year that an average item remains in inventory. (source:
The judicial examination of the issues in a civil or criminal cause by a competent tribunal and the determination of these issues in accordance with
According to Economist magazine, in 1994 John Elkington founded a British company named Sustainability and coined the term “triple bottom line» (criteria for measuring organizational
Aggregate of all debit and credit balances at the end of an accounting period that shows if the general ledger is in balance (total debits
A period of time during which someone or something is tested. (source:
Excellent evaluation of the credit worthiness of a debtor, especially a business (company) or a government. The evaluation is made by a credit rating agency
A simple error of data entry. Transposition errors occur when two digits that are either individual or part of a larger sequence of numbers are
Se ha ampliado la temática de este blog, inicialmente creado para informar sobre microfinanza y microempresa, para comentar temas medioambientales tales como el cambio climático, la contaminación y la extinción de especies.
El glosario trilingüe sobre microfinanza y microempresa sigue estando disponible y próximamente se publicará uno específico para términos medioambientales.
Las personas interesadas en las microfinanzas pueden acceder a noticias en la página de Facebook Microfinance News
Las personas interesadas en el cambio climático pueden acceder a noticias en la página de facebook Climate Change News
Muchas gracias por leer este blog.