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Tooltip Categories: Economics & Finance

car pooling

A group of people who regularly share a car when they are going to and from their jobs. It is a measure to save money,

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BRICS (en)

BRICS is the acronym of an economic and commercial association of five very advanced emerging countries which represent 25% of the world’s GDP. The associated

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economía ambiental

«La economía ambiental está basada en la teoría de que los bienes ambientales tienen valor económicoy existen costes para el crecimiento económico que no se

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fisión nuclear

La fisión consiste en bombardear un elemento pesado, como el uranio, con un neutron. Al capturar un neutrón el núcleo del átomo se vuelve inestable

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software (en)

Any set of machine-readable instructions, most often in the form of a computer program, that directs a computer’s processor to perform specific operations.(source: wikipedia.org )

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payment request

A payment request is used to request payment from a customer for a sales order or invoice. (source: docs.erpnext.com )

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Truelift (en)

Truelift is a global initiative to push for accountability in pro-poor development. Truelift is a trust mark – in microfinance and other forms of social

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twitter (en)

An online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read «tweets», which are text messages were originally restricted to 140 characters.(source:

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swap (en)

A swap is a derivative in which counterparties exchange cash flows of one party’s financial instrument for those of the other party’s financial instrument. The

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