London, 12-13 july 2010 Mobile Finance for the Unbanked Conference

Mobile Finance Services for the Unbanked Conference - London 12-13 july 2010

Theme:  Building Global Partnerships to Deliver Mobile Financial Services at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
Conference for leaders of microfinance institutions (MFI) with interest in developing mobile banking solutions.

Topics to be discussed at Mobile Finance Services for the Unbanked include:

What are investors doing for financial institutions to support the acquisition of strategic partnerships?

Consumer protection issues – how are we dealing with fraud and hacking on a global level?

Identifying the best partners and conducting  negotiations to establish agent networks

How are global micro savings Initiatives impacting mobile finance in the developing world?

Understanding how to leverage the brand at the bottom of the pyramid and maximising trust and confidence amongst your target market

How can you determine the main partnership domains from the key mobile finance success factors: regulatory endorsement, customer adoption, service development and profitability?

Event organised by Hansonwade

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